Tempering Valve or Thermostatic Mixing Valve;How To Choose

In this blog post, you’ll read:Choosing between Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs) and tempering valves depends on your needs. TMVs provide precise temperature control, ideal for hospitals and nursing homes to prevent scalds. They respond quickly to temperature changes and maintain consistent water temperatures. Tempering valves, more affordable and simpler to install, are sufficient for typical home use, ensuring safe water temperatures without requiring precise adjustments.
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Do you ask yourself the difference between a TMV and a tempering valve? This may appear hard, but knowing each difference is important when choosing your water system.

Both TMVs and tempering valves are used for temperature control; however, they work differently and are different. This means you should understand these differences to choose the suitable model that will better fit your needs. By the end of this article, you will know the difference between these types. So, let’s start!

What Are Thermostatic Mixing Valves?

water temperature valve
Water temperature valve

These are equipment meant to maintain hot water at set temperatures. When you open a tap that either gets too cold or too hot, TMV immediately adjusts its temperature.

They respond rapidly to changes in pressure and water temperatures, like when someone flushes a toilet or turns on another faucet, thereby maintaining the exact temperature of your water.

Maintaining them at a constant level prevents energy waste by keeping them from heating more than necessary. Apart from this, lowering your power bills also helps with environmental conservation. Almost all manufacturers produce TMVs.

What Is The Normal Temperature For A TMV?

Typically, thermostatic mixing valves are set at 45℃.

A tempering valve, sometimes called a hot water mixer tap, has two or three inlets that respond to changes in water temperatures.

Tempering valves, unlike TMVs, do not react quickly to variations in temperature fluctuations related to public potable water systems. They are much simpler and thus easier to operate. Some tempering valve manufacturers include an installation manual with their products upon purchase.

Under Queensland legislation, hot water should be heated to a minimum temperature of 60℃ so bacteria such as Legionella cannot breed. The tempering valve controls water temperatures so as not to exceed 50℃ for safety reasons and to prevent burns.

hydronic heating systems
hydronic heating systems

Key Differences Between TMVs and Tempering Valves?

Tempering valves are hot water mixer taps, while TMVs are used to control hot water temperature from taps, with some significant differences.

TMVs respond quickly and accurately to temperature fluctuations. Tempering valves have a precision range of one degree Celsius compared to TMVs, with an accuracy range of three degrees Celsius. Therefore, this makes TMV more effective than other models at maintaining consistent water temperatures.

TMVs are preferred in hospitals, aged care institutions, nursing homes, and schools because they are more precise. The purpose is to protect little children and elderly individuals from scalds.

Here are some important differences between tempering valves and TMVs:

  • The first cost for installing a good quality thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) is more as compared to other types of hot water systems
  • There would be a need for specific licensing for plumbers handling installations of TMVs.
  • Tempering valves tend to wear out faster than thermostatic mixing valves.
  • For example, while temperature changes may cause a response delay in tempering valves, this is not the case with TMVs.
  • At times, TMVs are fixed.
  • Sometimes, instead of being repaired, tempering valves are replaced.
  • This means quarterly tests must be conducted on these devices using AS4032.3 standards annually.
3 way mixing valve with dimensions
3-way mixing valve with dimensions

How is the Installation and Maintenance of TMVs Any Different from Tempering Valves?

TMVs are complex appliances that professionals should install if you want them to work properly afterward. After installation, they require regular maintenance, including checking for cleanliness. This will ensure optimal performance.

Tempering valves, on the other hand, are quite simple. In other words, they can be easily installed. If you live in a house supplied by water and not under any management plans, a homeowner or someone with plumbing experience could install a tempering valve very easily. On top of that, maintaining tempering valves is as easy as ABC.

Therefore, this makes them an excellent choice for domestic use since there isn’t much time to maintain them compared to how TMVs must be handled at home. Further still, instructions for installation are provided by the manufacturers of tempering valves to help you in life.

Three-way temperature control valve head for thermostat
Three-way temperature control valve head for thermostat

Difference of Costs between TMVs and Tempering Valves

In many cases, TMVs tend to be more expensive than tempering valves. The difference in selling price comes about due to several features, including tight control over water temperature.

On the contrary, tempering valves have lower prices. They offer basic safety and temperature control that are enough for most homes. Though their precision levels do not match TMVs, they are ideal for homeowners looking forward to cost-effective alternatives.

Which Valve Is Right For You: TMV or Tempering Valve?

Both TMVs and tempering valves have some role to play in controlling water temperature. If you’d like precise temperature control, such as in hospitals/nursing homes where accuracy’s needed, then TMVs would serve best.

For everyday use at home, a tempering valve is usually sufficient for your needs; they keep water at safe temperatures without requiring precise adjustments- thus, they are arguably simpler for homeowners to install and maintain.


Thermostatic Mixing Valve vs Tempering Valve- choosing between the two can be a matter of life or death. By now, you should know all the differences between these kinds and their applications. So you can choose which would suit you best. If you still have further questions, please feel free to comment below and we will get back to you.

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