Evolving smelly gases in the basement insisted on initiating my hunt for a plumbing expert, but my friend advised me to fix it myself. A blockage was found due to the build-up in the p trap. Knowing how to clean it was a real question.
In this article, I will guide you through all the details about the best way to clean a p trap using a simple step-by-step method.
Defining a P-trap?
A pipe resembling a U shape joins the sink to the wall and plays a key role in the drainage system.
It holds back odors and gases from moving upwards by creating a barrier for them. Check out this article if you want more details about a p-trap, its types, and installation procedure. P-trap, its types and installation.
P-trap Anatomy
The P trap is composed of these 3 fragments
The inlet:
Steps To Clean Your P-Trap
Cleaning your p trap will become convenient after following these simple steps.
1. Collect your supplies:
The first step is to grab all the needed items so that the cleaning process will be smooth and completed in one go. Keep the following items handy:
- Pliers/wrench
- Bowl/tub
- A cleaning brush
- Rubber gloves
Step 2: Keep your faucet closed:
Before starting, ensure your faucet is closed, and water is not dribbling from it. The trap is designed in such a way that after closing your faucet, it will hold a small amount of water. For this purpose, place an empty tub or bowl inside the trap so you can empty the trap into it.
Step 3: Unassemble the parts:
Here comes a bit of technical: grab your pliers of a suitable size as your p trap, or you can have an adjustable wrench with you for removing the plastic nuts on both sides of the trap. Twisting and turning will make them come off easily. Empty the trap into the bucket.
Step 4: clean the p trap:
Clean the p trap after emptying it using a cleaning brush. Look for anything solid that might be causing blockage of the drain. Pull it using your wire brush. Move your brush in a circular motion to attract any sticky residue.
Pro tip: Using a dish soap and water mixture will help dissolve all the gunk and grease in the trap.
Now rinse it using plain water.
Step 5: reassembling the parts:
Now, assemble the parts the same way they were fixed using the tools where necessary. Make sure that it is installed correctly to avoid any leaks.
Step 6: run the water:
Turn in the faucet to observe the draining of water or any leaks. If there is any water leakage from the trap, then unassemble the parts and fix them again until there is no leakage.
Things to keep in mind when using the p trap:
P traps are a basic requirement in an open drainage system where the drain line openly discharges into the vent system.
- They should be installed properly to avoid damage to the pipes; otherwise, it could leak toxic and harmful sewer gases into your environment.
- They should be regularly and closely inspected for any blockage and obstruction to avoid the build-up of gases as a result.
- They should be obtained by reliable manufacturers as the trap seal should be of good quality; otherwise, it will lose its function of holding water and preventing gases from escaping into the environment.
It is best to consult a professional team if you are facing any difficulty in assembling and reassembling. Hofensanitary is a name that will not disappoint you. Their expertise and unmatched experience is there to serve you for the better.
Final words:
By following these easy and basic steps, you can easily clean your P-trap and ensure its efficient working condition. Regular maintenance can avoid clogs and sewer gas leakage, saving you a lot of water in the long run.